
cloud developer experience with simon waight

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    9 min read
    Since 2021 the software development industry has increasingly been headed in a direction where AI-assisted software development is the norm. Many developers already build solutions using assistants such as GitHub Copilot in their code editor of choice. GitHub is extending their vision with GitHub Copilot Workspace, currently in limited technical preview. I've been lucky enough to gain access to the tech preview, so in this post I am going to review its current capability.
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    4 min read
    GitHub recently released their GitHub Copilot Metrics API in public beta which means it is now available for anyone who has licensed GitHub Copilot Business so they can report on usage and gain insights into the impact of Copilot adoption. I wanted to deploy this against a real organisation, so here are the steps I went through to get it working as a hosted site on an Azure Static Web App instance.
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    7 min read
    If you've been following me for a while you'll know I'm a huge fan of markdown, GitHub and simplifying the life of developers. In this post I am going to show you how you use the tools you already use and love along with some open source magic that has a long history to build a documentation publishing workflow. All without needing to install Word or use Windows, even if you want to publish a Word document!
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    9 min read
    Appropriate data handling is an important part of any software system design. Often times we overlook the risks involved with the visibility and accessibility of data passing through our solutions and don't even think about how secure data handling applies to telemetry and logging. In this post I am going to explore how you can use Azure Logic Apps in-built input/output obfuscation capabilities to limit the exposure of data in operational logging and how you can check that the settings are configured.