Microsoft Open Source Roadshow - Free training on Azure - Canberra and Sydney

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Microsoft Open Source Roadshow

I'm excited to have the opportunity to share Azure's powerful Open Source support with more developers in November.

Our first run of these sessions in August proved popular, so if you, or someone you know, wants to learn more they can sign up below.

We'll cover language support (application and Azure SDK), OS support (Linux, BSD), Datastores (MySQL, PostreSQL, MongoDB), Continuous Deployment and, last, but not least, Containers (Docker, Container Registry, Kubernetes, et al).

We're starting off in Canberra this time, then Sydney, so if you're interested here are the links to register:

  • Canberra - Wednesday 1 November 2017: Register
  • Sydney - Friday 10 November 2017: Register

We're also running two days in New Zealand in November too if you know anyone who might want to come along.

If you have any questions you'd like to see answered at the days feel free to leave a comment.

I hope to see you there!