Fix Provider error in Cloud Shell when using AKS in a new Azure Region
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- Simon Waight
- Mastodon
- @simonwaight
Given the recent announcement of the GA of Azure Kubernetes Service I thought I would take it for a spin in one of the new Regions it is now available in. I have previously deploy AKS in East US using the Azure Cloud Shell so didn't expect to run into any issues. However, I hit a minor snag, which I'm documenting here in case you come across it too.
az group create --name rg-aks-01 --location westus2
az aks create --resource-group rg-aks-01 --name testaks01 --node-count 1 --generate-ssh-keys
The subscription is not registered for the resource type 'managedClusters' in
the location 'westus2'. Please re-register for this provider in order to have
access to this location.
And this is the fix.
az provider register --namespace Microsoft.ContainerService
Registering is still on-going. You can monitor using az provider show -n Microsoft.ContainerService
Then a short while later I ran the 'show' command and can now see this service is available in all the new Regions for GA (snippet shown below).
"locations": [ "UK West",
"East US",
"West Europe",
"Central US",
"Canada East",
"Canada Central",
"UK South",
"West US",
"West US 2",
"Australia East",
"North Europe" ]
Happy Days! 😎