Published on8 March 2019-3 min readEnriching SharePoint Image Libraries with Azure Cognitive Servicesazurecognitive-serviceslogic-appsno-codesharepointoffice-365videoaiIn this post, and the associated screencast, I'll take a look at how we can utilise several of the capabilities of Azure Cognitive Services...
Published on11 January 2019-5 min readRecommended Azure developer sessions at Microsoft Ignite | The Tour: Sydney 2019azureigniteeventtechedMicrosoft Ignite | The Tour: Sydney is on February 13 and 14 and presents Australian developers with a massive opportunity to get deep technical guidance on how to build with Microsoft Azure.
Published on9 January 2019-6 min readDeploy Python-based Azure Functions using Azure DevOpsazuredevopsfunctionspythonazure-devopscicdserverlessYou now have the choice to package Python Azure Functions using a pre-built template in Azure DevOps.
Published on27 December 2018-6 min readMigrate a static website from AWS to Azureazureiisawss3storagemigrationweb-appsToday we're going to look at how you can migrate a static website hosted in AWS S3 to Azure's Storage Static Websites.
Published on14 December 2018-7 min readCost Effective Azure Cosmos DBazurecosmos-dbcostdynamocloud-spannersqlnosqlToday we're going to look at how you can migrate a static website hosted in AWS S3 to Azure's Storage Static Websites.